Monday, April 18, 2011

How this all started

Well, we all know HOW is started. But here goes............I was once again late, but had been several days late the last several months in a row. To the point in December where I went and got a pregnancy test, which came up negative. Started later that same day...........Christmas eve. This time I was over a week late, so I figured I'd run to the Dollar Tree and get a pregnancy test, figuring it would make me start. Imagine my surprise when I got the double pink lines. Showed Paul and he ask me what it meant. Told him we were pregnant and he was rather surprised by it, but seemed a bit happy, yet unsure. January 28, 2011.

Now I've got to admit I wasn't too sure how I felt about it. Completely unsure from the very start. Actually got to the point of being completely frantic. How am I going to do this? My son will be 6 1/2 when this baby is born. What the heck am I going to do? We have nothing this baby will need other then a few baby clothes. Most of which won't work for this kid, Jakob was born in April, this one will be born in September....shorts don't work for a baby in December. None of which will work if this baby is a girl. I had to talk about my feelings, so I went to my April message board and thank goodness those ladies made me feel like I wasn't the worse person in the world for feeling that way and my feelings were perfectly normal. They were great and made me feel at ease (somewhat) about the whole thing.

We told Jakob about the baby on March 4. He is very excited to be a big brother. At first he said he wanted a sister (shishter) but now he INSISTS that it's going to be a baby brother.

So Paul finds out what doctor we can see and I set up an appointment for myself. Started out with just bloodwork (weight 132) and making any appointment for 12 weeks with a Doctor Higgens for March 18. Had to change the appointment due to Jakob having early release on March 18. No appointments available with Doctor Higgens, so made the appointment with a Doctor Weldon.

March 10, 2011 (11 week appointment)

Met Doctor Weldon and decided to stick with her for me and baby. Gained one pound in a month's time. Blood pressure and everything else good with me. Listened for baby's heart beat and wasn't able to find it. Took us down to US and baby is moving around and looks just fine. Measuring 11 weeks 5 days. Scheduled us for a First Screen US to check baby for deformities. Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18 etc.

March 21, 2011 (First screen US)

Went in for the US and did lots of measurement and checks on baby J. Everything looked fine and baby was moving around like crazy. Heart rate 160. Got results on Friday March 25 and everything is fine.

April 12, 2011 (16 week appointment)

Everything looks great with me and baby J. Blood pressure is great and gained only one more pound. Took a long time to find baby's heartbeat again, but found it. Baby is still down low behind the pubic bone. We go back on May 11 for my 20 week check up and the big 20 week US. Will find out if we are having a baby John or a baby Jordyn. Both grandmas and Jakob are going to join us that day.

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