Monday, October 24, 2011

October 19..............Happy 1 month

Our baby boy has been with us for a month now. It's been a sleepy, yet wonderful month and I couldn't imagine my life without my little John John Maddux. He's a really good baby. He sleeps on average 4 hours at a time at night, gets up and has his bottle and his diaper changed and goes back to sleep for another 4 hours. Poor munchkin is gassy, but we get through it. His big brother loves him to peices and loves being a big brother. He's very helpful and loves doing stuff for John. John has been smiling since he was 2 weeks old and started 'talking' the day before he turned a month old. (other then the night when he was about 2 weeks old and started talking in his sleep) silly guy.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

2 week appointment (a bit late) 3 weeks 3 days

John now weighs 8lbs 9oz and is 21 1/4 in. He's perfectly healthy. Has a slight heart mummer that we will be keeping an eye on, but the doctor isn't concerned about it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Monday October 3

Our 2 week old baby boy is smiling at us. I was talking to him about my grandpa, whom he was named after. I told baby John that I wished he could meet his name sake, was getting emotional about it and John smiled at me. No pictures of it yet.

brotherly love

Jakob is in love with his baby brother. Every chance he gets he wants to hold him, or he's just watching him, comforting him or just talking to him. One day John was crying and Jakob started talking to him, John stopped crying right away and started again as soon as Jakob stopped talking. I think those two boys are going to have a very special bond.

first bath (ouside the hospital)

On Friday September 23, John had his first bath. At first he wasn't too sure about it. But after he got used to the nice warm water he relaxed and enjoyed it.

going home

On Wednesday September 21, we got to go home. John and I were both doing so well they let us go home early. John went home weighing 7lbs 6oz. Only 2 oz down from his birth weight.