Friday, July 22, 2011

30 week (5 day) appointment

Had my 30 week appointment today. Only gained one pound in three weeks. My blood pressure was 120/70 so all is well with that. Doctor gave me the ok to go to Florida. Go back just shy of 2 weeks from now, right beofre the trip.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

glucose test results and 28 (almost 29) week US

Tuesday July 5

Got my glucose test results back this morning. Slightly elevated levels again....just like Jakob. Told them how sick I got with the 3 hour testing so they want me to come in and do a fasting blood draw and then go home and eat...then go back 2 hours later and have another blood draw..then see what the levels show then.

Friday July 8

Had another US to check on baby John and on my placenta. John is doing great, he's measuring at the 50% for his size, his heart rate was 147 and he did not like the tech trying to move his arms away from his face. He was pushing he US wand away. My placenta is fine...still can't find a reason for any bleeding. Which has almost been a month since I've had issues.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday July 1...........27 weeks, glucose testing

Had my 27 weeks appointment today, along with my glucose testing. The appointment went well. Weight was 144, blood pressure 117/65. Didn't tell me the hearrate, but it sounded good. Said we could wait until closer to the Florida trip to decide if I indeed should stay home or if I can go. Looks like baby John will make his appearance on September 19.