Wednesday, May 9, 2012

first tooth

On Monday May 7 I noticed that I could see the outline of John's tooth under his gum. Tuesday morning May 8 he woke up and had a tooth in his mouth. Bottom left tooth has made it's way in.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

6 months old

Our sweet baby boy turned 6 months old on Monday. He is such a good baby. Sleeps all night, sometimes up to 12 hours at a time. Doesn't nap real well, but I'll take sleeping all night over good naps any day. He's trying to sit up and can roll both ways. He's got the best little personality and the best smiles in the world. We couldn't ask for better. He now weighs 16 lbs 13 oz and is 26" long. He got 3 shots and while he cried during the shots, he was great the rest of the day.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

4 months old

John saw his first snowfall on Tuesday night. He wasn't quite sure what to think of it.
my sweet baby boy is 4 months old now. He turned 4 months on Thursday Jan 19 and it wasn't a good day for him. He went to the doctor and got 2 shots and was a miserable mess all day. He now weighs 14 pounds and is 25 inches long/tall. His head is 16 inches. Funny because at 4 months old his head is only an inch bigger then Jakob's at birth.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5, 2012....he's playing with toys now

I've had this toy out for John many times but all he's done is look at it. Today he started playing with the toys hanging from it and was entertained for long periods of time at a time.

LOL, this is Jakob's Cupcake, stuffed cat...he's been wearing this outfit for a long time now. Today I found the matching outfit in a bag in my closet. It fits John now and sure as heck won't fit come summer, so I put it on him to take pictures of them together.

December 31, 2011

My New Years Eve. date. John and I spent the afternoon with Pam and Sam. Both babies were so good and so happy all day.

Dec 29, 2011....rolling baby

John started rolling over from his back to his belly. For the most part he doesn't like it too much. Even if you can't see him, you can tell he's on his belly again because he starts crying.

(1-5-12) today and yesterday he rolled to his belly, did a little "swimming" and trying to get back to his back, and then just laid his head down and went to sleep.

December 25,'s first Christmas

spoiled baby's bedroom looks like a small toy store now. And most of his toys he can't even play with yet.

Cute little Santa baby

Santa baby and his adorable big brother.

Wiped out baby boy....guess this is what he thought of Christmas.